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The digestive, or gastrointestinal, system is a complex multi-organ and tissue system that is responsible for the breakdown of food into smaller and smaller components, until they can be absorbed and assimilated into the body for energy, growth and repairing cells.
The gastrointestinal tract, often known as the GI tract, or digestive tract, comprises a succession of hollow organs connected by a long, twisting tube. The mouth, esophagus, stomach, small intestine, large intestine, and anus are the hollow organs that make up the GI tract. The solid organs of the digestive system are the liver, pancreas, and gallbladder. Digestion is crucial because your body need the nutrients from food in order to function correctly and stay healthy.

The Gastrointestinal System, and how to keep it youthful
The digestive system is impacted by aging in multiple ways, thereby affecting nutrient uptake, as well as other physiological functions. Some of the most common ageing-related changes to the digestive system are:
Reduced food intake
Efficient selection, intake, chewing, breaking down, and swallowing food requires the use of the olfactory senses (smell and taste) lips, tongue, salivary glands, and teeth. The deterioration and decline of these systems can result in reduced food intake. Deterioration of the ability to taste and smell can lead to reduced appetite and food intake in older persons, and this can result weight loss and malnutrition. The inability to taste and smell can also lead to increased salt intake and risk of ingesting toxic food. Reduced appetite is common in older people, and it is caused by changes in hormone production as well as a change in scent and taste. This can result in an 'age-related anorexia' because food consumption decreases as people become older. We pick what we eat based on the smell and flavor of the food; however, as we get older, the number of olfactory receptors decreases, and our sense of smell deteriorates. According to one study, roughly half of those aged 65 to 80 and three-quarters of those over 80 show a detectable loss of smell. The inability to taste and appreciate food can also cause anxiety. The capacity to sense salt deteriorates as well, which may lead to greater consumption of salt-rich foods and thereby aggravating health problems including hypertension. The loss of smell and taste can have serious consequences in terms of safety; for example, a disproportionately high percentage of elderly persons die from accidental poisoning.
Erosion of teeth
Gradual erosion of teeth can lead to loss of teeth, gum recession and an increased risk of root rot. People who are missing teeth or who have ill-fitting dentures may find chewing difficult and hence consume less food, resulting in malnutrition. Alternatively, they may pick highly refined, easy-to-chew meals, thereby ingesting less dietary fiber that can affect intestinal function and causing constipation.
Xerostomia (dry mouth) is frequent in the elderly; a study found that healthy adults aged 70 and up generated less saliva than younger ones. The number of saliva-producing cells declines with age. Xerostomia is a condition that also can occur as a side effect of medicine or as a result of disorders such as diabetes. Xerostomia can make food intake and chewing more difficult, and it can also affect digestion of food.

Impaired liver function

The liver performs over 114 activities for the body and it will shrink as it ages and blood supply to it declines, as does its various functions. Protein synthesis and metabolism will slow down. The various liver enzymes that help the body absorbing and neutralizing drugs and other substances work less effectively and the liver's capacity to detoxify various chemicals declines. As a consequence, the liver's ability to eliminate substances from the body can decline with age and drug effects, both planned and unintentional, can therefore last longer. The generation and flow of bile which is involved in fat emulsification also declines and this can lead to greater cholesterol plasma concentrations, particularly in women.
The pancreas loses some of its ability to produce enzymes for food digestion.

The pancreas, which produces several important digestive enzymes, loses weight as it ages and portions of its tissue fibrose. Its exocrine function is compromised, and chymotrypsin and pancreatic lipase production is diminished, impairing the small intestine's capacity to digest food.
Constipation is more common in older adults due to structural changes in the large intestine caused by age. Lack of exercise, insufficient hydration, and a low-fiber diet are all contributing factors. Constipation can also be caused by medications like diuretics and iron supplements, as well as medical conditions like diabetes.

Dysphagia and food reflux

Dysphagia and reflux can be caused by physiological alterations in pharyngeal ability to swallow, and esophageal motility to transport the food to the stomach. The mouth prepares to swallow after forming a chewed bolus of food. When the bolus reaches the posterior pharyngeal wall, the musculature contracts around it, swallowing occurs, and food flows into the esophagus through the upper esophageal sphincter. The muscle contractions responsible for swallowing slow down as people become older, thereby lengthening the pharyngeal transit time. This can cause difficulty in swallowing (dysphagia), which increases the risk of choking and the sensation that food is lodged in the throat. Dysphagia affects up to 27 percent of adults over the age of 76. Esophageal motility is also commonly decreased in the elderly, resulting in dysphagia, reflux, and heartburn. The gag reaction is also missing in 43% of the elderly people because of this reason.
The stomach becomes more susceptible to damage

The stomach serves as a reservoir where food is stored and digested. The gut wall loses flexibility as it ages, limiting the amount of food it can hold. The stomach also produces gastric juice, which contains hydrochloric acid and pepsin, that are responsible for the digestion of food. Despite the fact that older and younger persons generate stomach acid at similar rates, a decline in acid production affects 10-20% of older people compared to 1% of younger people. This can reduce the bioavailability of some nutrients, such as vitamin B12, and can therefore cause conditions like chronic atrophic gastritis. The stomach lining also becomes thinner with age, and susceptible to damage from the harsh gastric fluids. The protective ability of the mucus diminishes with age, leaving older persons more susceptible to damage such as lesions and ulcers, particularly after taking non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medicines, which are often used by the elderly. Finally, as people become older, the emptying of the stomach slows down, which means food stays in the stomach longer, extending satiation and decreasing hunger.
Impaired functions of the small intestine

The passage of waste products, or colonic transit, from digestion becomes slower with age due to a decrease in colonic propulsive activity and decrease in mucosal layers. The walls of the colon can sag, resulting in pouch development (diverticula). Straining to get rid of feces might place extra strain on weaker blood vessel walls, causing hemorrhoids. The rate of cell division also slows down in the digestive epithelium, causing it to be unable to repair and replace damages cells. In addition, there is a significant age-related increase in the frequency of various gastrointestinal illnesses, including colon cancer – in fact, age is the most important risk factor for colorectal cancer. Aging causes changes in the DNA of intestinal cells, particularly in the colon; the process of DNA methylation is thought to have a role in the development of colorectal malignancies.
The gut microbial composition changes and becomes dysfunctional

Several factors contribute to alterations in the normal gut bacterial fauna, rendering older people more susceptible to bloating, discomfort, and bacterial infection in the intestines. Changes in gut microbe populations result in a rise in non-beneficial microbes that will flourish under inflammatory circumstances and increase inflammation. The microbial composition of older people is more similar to that found in the intestines of people suffering from inflammatory bowel disease and obesity. The weakening of the intestinal wall and mucosal barrier will cause a leaky gut syndrome that can enable bacteria to invade surrounding tissues of the colon causing chronic inflammation and infections. The prevalence of gastro intestinal pathogen infections is increased when the intestinal and mucosal barrier weakened – and is a major cause of morbidity and death in older persons. Older people are also more likely to contract the Clostridium difficile bacterium that can cause a deadly dehydrating diarrhea.
Maintaining a healthy gastrointestinal tract and digestive system
Eat whole foods and avoid processed foods

The typical Western diet, which is high in refined carbohydrates, saturated fat, and food additives, has been linked to a higher risk of digestive disorders. Food additives such as glucose, salt, and other chemicals have been linked to increased gut inflammation, which can contribute to a condition known as leaky gut. Processed foods frequently contain trans fats, known for their detrimental effects on heart health, but they've also been linked to an increased risk of ulcerative colitis, an inflammatory bowel illness. Furthermore, artificial sweeteners are commonly included in processed meals such as low-calorie drinks and ice creams, which can create stomach issues. In one study, 70 percent of participants who ate 50 grams of the artificial sweetener xylitol experienced bloating and diarrhea, and 60 percent of persons who ate 75 grams of the sweetener erythritol experienced the same symptoms. Artificial sweeteners may also increase the quantity of dangerous intestinal bacteria, according to studies. Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) and irritable bowel illnesses including ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease have been linked to bacterial imbalances in the gut. Fortunately, research evidence suggests that nutrient-rich meals can help prevent digestive disorders. Eating a diet rich in whole foods and fibers, and minimizing processed meals, may be the best way to achieve healthy digestion.
Consume fiber

Fiber is well known for its positive effects on digestion. Soluble fiber absorbs water and helps your stool bulk up. Insoluble fiber functions as a huge toothbrush, cleaning your digestive tract and keeping it moving. Soluble fiber can be found in oat bran, legumes, nuts, and seeds, whereas insoluble fiber can be found in vegetables, whole grains, and wheat bran. Ulcers, reflux, hemorrhoids, diverticulitis, and irritable bowel syndrome have all been related to eating a low-fiber diet. Prebiotics are a form of fiber that feeds the good bacteria in your gut. This fiber-rich diet has been demonstrated to also lower the risk of inflammatory bowel disease. Many fruits, vegetables, and grains contain prebiotics.
Eat healthy fats
Eating adequate fat is necessary for good digestion. Fat makes you feel full after a meal and is frequently required for proper nutrition absorption. Omega-3 fatty acids have also been found in trials to reduce the chance of acquiring inflammatory bowel illnesses like ulcerative colitis. Flaxseeds, chia seeds, nuts (particularly walnuts), and fatty fish like salmon, mackerel, and sardines are all high in omega-3 fatty acids.

Stay hydrated

Constipation is frequently caused by a lack of fluid consumption. To avoid constipation, doctors recommend consuming 50–66 ounces (1.5–2 liters) of water per day. If you live in a hot area or engage in rigorous exercise, you may require more. In addition to water, herbal teas and other non-caffeinated beverages like seltzer water can help you satisfy your fluid requirements. Fruits and vegetables high in water, such as cucumber, zucchini, celery, tomatoes, melons, strawberries, grapefruit, and peaches, are another strategy to assist fulfill your fluid needs.
Manage stress
Your digestive system can suffer as a result of stress. Stomach ulcers, diarrhea, constipation, and irritable bowel syndrome have all been linked to it. Stress hormones have a direct impact on digestion. Your body believes you don't have time to rest and digest when it is in a stressed fight-or-flight mode. Blood and energy are diverted away from your digestive system during times of stress. Furthermore, your stomach and brain are intertwined, so whatever affects your brain may also affect your digestion. People with irritable bowel syndrome have been proven to benefit from stress management, meditation, and relaxation training. Cognitive behavioral therapy, acupuncture, and yoga have all been shown to help with digestive issues. As a result, including stress management practices like deep belly breathing, meditation, or yoga into your daily routine may benefit not only your mind but also your digestion.

Pay attention to how you eat
If you're not paying attention, it's simple to eat too much, too fast, which can cause bloating, gas, and indigestion. Slowing down and paying attention to every detail of your food intake brings beneficial health results. Mindful eating entails paying attention to all aspects of your food and eating experience. Mindfulness has been found in studies to help people with ulcerative colitis and irritable bowel syndrome feel better.
• Eat slowly to eat thoughtfully.
• Turn off the TV and put your phone aside so you can concentrate on your food.
• Take note of how your food looks and smells on your plate.
• Choose each bite of food carefully.
• Pay attention to your food's texture, temperature, and flavor.
Chew the food thoroughly
The process of digestion begins in the mouth. Your teeth break down the food into smaller bits, making it easier for the enzymes in your digestive tract to digest. Reduced nutrition absorption has been linked to poor chewing. When you chew your meal thoroughly, your stomach works less to convert the solid food into the liquid mixture that enters your small intestine. When you chew, saliva is produced, and the longer you chew, the more saliva is produced. Saliva aids in the digestion process by breaking down some of the carbs and fats in your food in your mouth. Saliva serves as a fluid in your stomach, mixing with solid food to help it flow through your intestines properly. When you chew your food thoroughly, you guarantee that you have enough saliva to aid digestion. This may aid in the prevention of indigestion and heartburn. Furthermore, chewing has been demonstrated to lower stress levels, which may help with digestion.

Stay physically active

One of the most effective strategies to enhance your digestion is to exercise regularly. Food travels through your digestive system with the help of gravity and exercise. As a result, going for a stroll after a meal may help your body move things along. Moderate exercise, such as cycling and jogging and decrease gastrointestinal transit time by approximately 30% in healthy persons, and a daily exercise plan that included 30 minutes of walking can alleviated symptoms in persons with persistent constipation. Furthermore, studies show that exercise has anti-inflammatory effects, such as lowering inflammatory chemicals in the body, which may help alleviate symptoms of inflammatory bowel disease.
Be aware of gastrointestinal symptoms
It's easy to overeat and feel gas, bloating, and indigestion if you don't pay attention to your hunger and fullness signs. It's a widely held assumption that your brain takes 20 minutes to recognize that your stomach is full. While there isn't much strong research to back this up, hormones released by your stomach in reaction to eating do take time to reach your brain. As a result, one method to avoid frequent digestive disorders is to eat slowly and pay attention to how full you are becoming. Emotional eating also has a bad impact on digestion. People who ate while they were stressed had more indigestion and bloating, according to one study. Taking some time to relax before a meal can help with stomach issues.

Avoid smoking

Acid reflux is approximately doubled when a person smokes. In addition, studies have indicated that stopping smoking helps to alleviate these symptoms. Stomach ulcers, surgeries in persons with ulcerative colitis, and gastrointestinal malignancies have all been linked to smoking.
Avoid alcohol
Alcohol can cause heartburn, acid reflux, and stomach ulcers by increasing acid production in the stomach. The ingestion of too much alcohol has been connected to gastrointestinal hemorrhage. Inflammatory bowel illness, leaky gut, and detrimental alterations in gut bacteria have all been linked to alcohol. Reducing your alcohol consumption may aid digestion.

Avoid eating late at night

Heartburn and indigestion might occur if you eat late at night and then lie down to sleep. Gravity helps keep the food you eat going in the right direction, and it takes time for your body to digest it. When you lie down, the contents of your stomach may rise to the surface, causing heartburn. After eating, lying down is closely linked to an increase in reflux symptoms. If you have digestive problems before going to bed, wait three to four hours after eating to allow the food to pass from your stomach to your small intestine.
Supplements and treatments that may be beneficial for the gastrointestinal tract are:
Glutamine is an amino acid that aids in the health of the intestines. It has been demonstrated to lower intestinal permeability (leaky gut) in severely ill patients. Foods like turkey, soybeans, eggs, and almonds can help you get more glutamine in your system. Glutamine can also be taken as a supplement, but talk to your doctor first to make sure it's the right medication for you.

Zinc is a vital mineral and nutrient that is essential for a variety of bodily functions. Zinc is an essential mineral for a healthy stomach, and a lack of it can cause a variety of gastrointestinal problems. Zinc supplementation has been demonstrated to help with diarrhea, colitis, leaky gut, and other digestive disorders. Shellfish, meat, and sunflower seeds are high in zinc.
Calcium carbonate is considered one of the most potent antacids that can efficiently neutralize stomach acids, and thereby alleviate symptoms of heart burn.
Calcium combined with vitamin D is believed to help prevent cancer. Intake of calcium carbonate on a daily basis reduced colorectal adenomatous polyp recurrence by 15%. Dark green vegetables, certain grains, legumes, and nuts are all high in calcium. Lactose-sensitive people who take calcium supplements on a daily basis may be protected from colon polyps.
Folic acid, also called vitamin B9, and other B vitamins may also help to prevent colon cancer. Folic acid deficiency has been related to cancer in recent research.

Aspirin is a powerful anti-inflammatory compound has been linked to colon cancer prevention. According to a recent study, taking 81 mg of aspirin daily for five years reduced the risk of colorectal cancer by 24% and the risk of dying from colon cancer by 35%.
Butyrate is one of the most beneficial chemicals and supplements for your intestinal tract and digestive system, and it affects it in many diverse ways. It is produced when bacteria in the stomach break down or digest fiber. It is a short-chain fatty acid (SCFA). Fiber is present in plant-based diets and is mostly indigestible, which means that humans lack the enzymes needed to digest and absorb it, therefore it passes through the colon or large bowel. Certain species of the bacteria gut flora can digest fiber and produce butyrate. Butyrate is a histone deacetylase (HDAC) inhibitor exhibiting anti-inflammatory activity.
It provides energy to your intestinal cells. Colonocytes, the cells that make up the gut lining, use butyrate as their primary source of energy. Unlike most other cells in the body, which rely on sugar (glucose) for energy, the cells that line the gut (colonocytes) primarily rely on butyrate. These cells wouldn't be able to function properly if they didn't have butyrate.
Butyrate promotes the growth of beneficial gut bacteria, and is also produced by these bacteria (Firmicutes). Prebiotics such dietary fiber are converted to butyrate by such bacteria microorganisms.
Butyrate protects your cells from free radicals, ensuring that your gut remains healthy. Free radicals are waste products of chemical reactions in the body and antioxidants, on the other hand, are your body's natural defense mechanism against free radicals. Free radicals that can harm the body and overwhelm the body's repair mechanisms if present in large quantities. This is referred to as oxidative stress. Glutathione, an antioxidant produced in the body's cells that neutralizes free radicals in the gut, has been demonstrated to rise with higher butyrate levels. Because free radicals are associated to inflammation and a variety of ailments, this is a positive thing. As a result of its antioxidant effects, increasing butyrate synthesis could improve the gut barrier. Bowel cancer, inflammatory bowel disease, and irritable bowel syndrome are all reduced as a result of this.
Butyrate reduces inflammation of the intestine. Butyrate has anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer properties in the gut. Butyrate inhibits the action of various pro-inflammatory chemicals in your body. Butyrate's anti-inflammatory action decreases oxidative stress and protects against free radical damage. As a result, your diet can have a significant impact on both butyrate production and intestinal inflammation. Because fiber feeds your butyrate-producing bacteria, a high-fiber diet is especially good for butyrate generation.
Butyrate is a component of the cancer-prevention action of dietary fiber. Colorectal cancer, commonly known as bowel cancer, is a major cause of death in the Western world, and our diet is primarily to blame. Cells linked to tumor progression might thrive if the gut lining and barrier are unable to function. These send out inflammatory signals, which can contribute to tumor growth. As a result, a low dietary fiber diet results in less butyrate generation, which is a risk factor for colon cancer. Butyrate also inhibits histone deacetylase that causes detrimental epigenetic changes. Most malignancies are due to the enzyme histone deacetylase. Butyrate acts as an inhibitor, causing malignant cells to commit suicide, a process known as apoptosis. As a result, it has the potential to completely halt the development of cancer cells.
Butyrate is required for the optimal health and function of your gut lining. The intestinal lining serves as a barrier. Vitamins and minerals are selectively allowed to exit the gut, enter the bloodstream, and travel to where they're needed. It also keeps toxins, infections, and food molecules out of your bloodstream, preventing you from being ill. Doctors and scientists refer to the condition as intestinal permeability. The butyrate produced by your gut microorganisms as a result of eating fiber supplies the fuel that your gut lining cells require. As a result, the integrity of your gut lining is preserved, and leaky gut is avoided.
Butyrate may help people with obesity and type 2 diabetes by enhancing the synthesis of gut hormones that regulate blood sugar levels. The release of these gut hormones is increased when butyrate is produced in the colon, indicating possible benefits for controlling blood sugar levels and reducing weight gain.
Butyrate has also been shown to support brain health, in addition to its gastrointestinal functions. Butyrate, which is produced by bacteria in your colon, serves a variety of biological purposes. These functions have also been linked to neuroprotective properties (that benefit your brain and nervous system). Butyrate inhibits a number of processes linked to the advancement of diseases such as Parkinson's, Alzheimer's, stroke, and autism. As a result, butyrate may have an impact on brain health, and changing one's diet could be a simple method to improve disease outcomes. It's simple and safe to increase your butyrate production through your diet. It may possibly become a therapy option for brain illnesses in the future. More significantly, increasing your butyrate production today can help you in a variety of ways.
Because fiber promotes the butyrate-producing bacteria in your colon to thrive, a high fiber diet can help you produce more butyrate. The ability to manufacture butyrate is well-known among members of the Firmicutes phylum. Vegetables, fruit, pulses, and whole grains are examples of prebiotic foods that directly support your microbiome. They contain dietary fiber, which your gut bacteria convert into organic substances such as butyrate. Butyrate production can be disrupted by high-fat, low-carbohydrate diets. Fiber, not animal protein, is what your gut microbes eat. As a result, a high-fiber diet is the greatest approach to maximize butyrate production.
Papain is an enzyme found in papaya that can help with protein digestion. Papaya is used as a treatment for constipation and other irritable bowel syndrome symptoms in the in tropical countries. A study showed that people who took a papaya-based formula for 40 days showed considerable improvements in constipation and bloating.

Berberine may be found in a variety of plants, including European barberry, phellodendron, Oregon grape, goldenseal, and goldthread. These herbs have been used to cure anything from infections to wounds in the past. More than 3000 years ago, when the barberry plant and its cousins were being farmed in China and South Asia, the first evidence of berberine being used medicinally were discovered. The plant's stems, leaves, and bark were all used in various ways. Berberine-containing plants were also utilized to cure many ailments throughout South America, the Middle East, and Europe, according to evidence. Berberine has been shown in research to have beneficial effects on the immunity of the intestinal system, and it also promotes a beneficial intestinal bacterial flora.
Curcumin is a phenolic component isolated from the roots of plant Curcuma longa (turmeric), and is widely used in China and India for medicinal purposes. Curcumin is a very potent epigenetic modifier because it alters both the DNA methylation and histone modification. Several studies indicate that curcumin has antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, anti-proliferative activities. Curcumin may therefore have multiple beneficial effects on the intestinal system.

Garlic has been shown to reduce the risk of cancer, particularly tumors of the gastrointestinal system. Garlic has antimicrobial qualities and may also help preventing cancer-causing chemicals from forming and activating, as well as enhance DNA repair. Garlic contains a component known as allicin, which acts as an antibiotic and aids in the treatment of respiratory infections that clog our lungs and cause dyspnea and congestion. It also aids in the reduction of inflammation, the improvement of asthma, and the prevention of lung cancer.
Lactase is an enzyme produced by a variety of species and it breaks down lactose, the sugar that gives milk its sweetness, and is required for proper digestion of whole milk. Some people's digestive systems don't produce enough lactase, so they can't digest milk properly, resulting in diarrhea, cramps, and gas. Lactose intolerance is the term for this condition. Lactase supplements strongly improve gastrointestinal symptoms in lactose-intolerant people.

Omega-3 Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids are beneficial fatty acids that may help to prevent colon cancer. They're mostly found in seafood and nuts.
Selenized yeast has recent been found to reduce the risk of colorectal cancer and other malignancies. The microbe Saccharomyces cerevisiae, often known as baker's yeast or brewer's yeast, is used to make selenium yeast. When yeast is cultivated in a selenium-rich media, it absorbs the selenium and transforms it to selenomethionine, a form of selenium present naturally in foods.

Soybeans and soy-containing foods have been shown to lower the risk of a variety of health problems, including the prevention of colon cancer.

Probiotics are beneficial bacteria that, when taken as supplements, may help to enhance gut health. These beneficial bacteria aid digestion by breaking down indigestible fibers that can cause bloating and gas. Probiotics have been demonstrated in studies to help persons with irritable bowel syndrome symptoms such bloating, gas, and pain. Furthermore, they may help with constipation and diarrhea problems. Fermented foods like sauerkraut, kimchi, and miso, as well as yogurts with live and active cultures, include probiotics. They can also be taken as capsules. Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium are among the types that make up a solid general probiotic supplement.

Prebiotics are found in foods and they promote the growth of beneficial bacteria and fungi. Prebiotics have the ability to change the composition of the gut microbiota. These nutrients, when taken as a supplement, provide the nutrition that your beneficial bacteria require to grow strong, reproduce, and rectify your digestion. Prebiotics come in a variety of forms in a good supplement. This is due to the fact that various bacteria species have varied diets. The greater the variety of prebiotics in your supplement, the greater the digestion advantages. Synbiotics are supplements that combine a variety of prebiotics with the matching probiotics.
Fiber is well known for its positive effects on digestion. Soluble fiber absorbs water and helps your stool bulk up. Insoluble fiber functions as a huge toothbrush, cleaning your digestive tract and keeping it moving. Fiber supplements helps keep the stool soft so it can travel easily through your intestines, and also promotes a healthy gut bacteria flora. Prebiotics are a form of fiber that feeds the good bacteria in your gut. This fiber-rich diet has been demonstrated to also lower the risk of inflammatory bowel disease. Many fruits, vegetables, and grains contain prebiotics.

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