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The nail is a translucent plate like keratin structure made up of highly specialized cells. The nail emerges from a deep groove in the skin's dermis. The specialized cells that make up the nail's plate are created near the nail's base, and these cells are pushed forward as new cells form behind them. The nail plate is also connected to the underlying nail bed which feeds the plate with nutrition. As the cells at the front edge of the nail plate lose contact with the nail bed, they die and turn white. The primary function of the nail is to protect the tips of the toes and fingers. The front edge of the nail on the fingers aids in the manipulation of small items as well as scratching.

Biotin is a well-known supplement for brittle nails, and one study indicated that giving persons with brittle nails a biotin supplement for six months enhanced the total thickness of their nails by 25%.

Vitamin B12 (cobalamin) deficiency can result in a strange darkening of the nails, or even a bluish color if left untreated for too long.   B12 also aids in iron absorption and ensures that red blood cells are formed properly, ensuring that blood supply to the nail beds is healthy.   Adults should aim for a daily allowance of 2.4 micrograms. Because B12 is difficult to absorb, supplements frequently overestimate this value; it's not uncommon to see 1,000-5,000mcg supplements on store shelves.

Folic acid (folate) aids in the formation of healthy red blood cells, which results in better oxygen and nutrient delivery to the nail beds.  Nail discoloration or ridges are known symptoms of folate deficiency.   Folate has a recommended daily allowance of 400mcg for adults.  

Iron is essential for oxygen transport by red blood cells to the extremities and nail beds for nail production. Ensure that your iron levels are sufficient to ensure that your nail beds receive enough oxygen for healthy growth. Changes in your nails, such as ridges or caving inward, may occur upon iron deficiency.

Vitamin C has many functions in the body, and it is also beneficial to the nails. Vitamin C is required for the production of collagen, which is a component of nails. Collagen is responsible for the strength, form, and resistance to breakage of nails.

Zinc aids in cell growth and division, so it will promote nail growth and healthy appearance. Zinc deficiency has also been connected to nail bed problems and white patches on the nails.  

Using gels or acrylic nail paint on a regular basis might cause a person's nails to peel.   The UV light that people use to dry the polish also poses a risk for the development of cancers. UV light has been linked to both skin cancer and premature aging. As a precautionary strategy, the it is recommended to apply sunscreen to the hands 20 minutes before attending a manicure salon appointment.   Take a vacation from gels and acrylic paints — or don't use them at all — to help maintain the nails strong and healthy.

Many nail products have the potential to harm your nails. Chemicals in nail polish remover and other nail treatments may make nails more brittle.   Before applying products to the nails, be sure they don't contain hazardous compounds like formaldehyde.

Long nails. Keep the nails short and tidy. Nails that are shorter are less prone to be damaged. Long nails are more prone to breaking, chipping, cracking, or catching on anything and ripping off. Keeping the nails trimmed might help preventing breakages and keep them strong.

Lotion should be applied frequently as this will keep the nails nourished. To assist restore moisture to the nails, one should ideally use lotion after washing their hands or removing nail varnish.

Avoid using too much hand sanitizer. Many people frequently use hand sanitizer as a substitute for washing their hands or when they are unable to do so. Hand sanitizer often contains alcohol, which can make the hands and nails dry. Frequent use of hand sanitizer can make nails brittle and fragile. If hand sanitizer is the only alternative, avoid getting it on the nails and use only a minimal amount.

When using cleaning products, always use gloves. Dangerous substances are frequently found in cleaning products., and even if a person does not notice any problems with their skin or nails after using a cleaning product, they can harm them.   To avoid any damage, use rubber gloves when handling cleaning materials.

Long-term frequent exposure to water can weaken the nails, making them more susceptible to breakage. Keeping hands out of the bathwater when bathing and wearing gloves when washing dishes are two ways to decrease water exposure.

Certain medications, notably diuretics, can cause a person's nails to become dehydrated. If a person experiences thinning nails, they should talk to their doctor about modifying their prescriptions e.

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